Friday, September 9, 2016

Will Trump become the American Putin?

Trump made several alarming statements at the recent Commander-in-Chief forum. Among others were these:

He said our Generals have been reduced to “rubble“ and hinted that many would be fired if he becomes President. This cannot be comforting to career military officers coming from a man who claims to know more about ISIS than they do and who also claims to have a secret plan to defeat ISIS that he won't tell anyone about.

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At the forum Trump was reminded of a 2013 tweet he sent saying that there are sexual assaults in the military because men and women are put together. He said 'That is a correct tweet.“ He spoke more about the need to punish perpetrators of sexual assault but there still seems to be a strong suggestion in his remarks that women should not serve with men.

Once again Trump lied about opposing the Iraq War from the beginning. This is a documented lie but the host of the forum let it slide.

Trump also discussed top secret briefings he has received and said he could tell from the body language of the briefers that Obama has not accepted their recommendations. There are at least a couple of problems with this:

  • Trump should not be discussing top secret briefings
  • The briefers don't make policy recommendations at all. They present facts to policy makers.

Finally, Trump continued making favorable remarks about Putin, the thuggish ruler of Russia. Instead of praising Washington or Jefferson or Lincoln, Trump praised Putin. Again. He REALLY likes foreign dictators.

Read more about Trump's performance here:

After the forum, Trump's running mate, Pence, made a VERY alarming statement about Trump and Putin:

"I think it’s inarguable that Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama has been in this country,” the GOP vice presidential nominee told CNN. “And that’s going to change the day that Donald Trump becomes president.”

Think hard about this. Of course a dictator like Putin, ruling a dictatorship like Russia, is going to be a "stronger leader" than a democratically elected President of a free country! But that's going to change when Trump becomes President? HOW is it going to change? How is Trump going to become as "strong" as Putin without becoming a dictator?

For many years Republicans have advocated smaller and weaker government. Now it seems they want a government as strong as a Russian dictatorship. Pence did say that Trump is not calling for a dictatorship. In that case we need a lot more explanation. How is Trump going to be as strong as Putin without becoming an American Putin?

Read more about Pence's remarks here:

Think long. Think hard. And then DUMP TRUMP!

Copyright © 2017 by Joseph Wayne Gadway

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