Saturday, September 3, 2016

Trump Hires the Sleaze Master

Remember David Bossie?

He's a famous right-wing "hit man" who started attacking the Clintons way back in 1992 before they even got into the White House.

One of his projects was trying to prove that a pregnant suicide victim named "Susan Coleman" had been having an affair with Bill Clinton. He never proved that, but in the effort to do so he once, notoriously, interrogated the girls mother in a hospital room where her husband was recovering from a stroke!

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One of his other projects was called "the kind of sleaze that diminishes the political process" by candidate George H.W. Bush in 1992.

Later he worked for the rabid Clinton hater Dan Burton. Other staffers quit saying that Bossie's "unrelenting, self-promoting actions" were too much to bear.

Burton later had to apologize for releasing tapes of Webster Hubbell that seemed to incriminate Hillary in a phony billing scheme. Turns out the tapes were actually exculpatory for Hillary but had been edited to make her seem guilty. Bossie resigned over this unethical attack.

Anyway, this is the kind of sleaze Trump loves. He's bringing Bossie back as his Deputy Campaign Manager! Get ready for a heated Fall!

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