Monday, October 17, 2016

Is Trump a Winner? Or Just a Whiner?

Trump whining about "totally" rigged elections disqualifies him from being president in two ways.

First, he's lying. The election is not "totally" rigged. Is there some cheating, some of the time? Certainly. Is the system totally rigged? No , that's ridiculous.

And if it WERE rigged - a real, respectable presidential candidate would expose it in detail, with evidence, and proposed reforms, not start mumbling about conspiracies against him as Trump is doing.

Second, beyond the lie, is that we expect presidents to WIN, not make excuses about why they can't win.

Trump had every opportunity to present himself as a thoughtful, considerate man who would serve all Americans instead of using divisive rhetoric. Trump had every opportunity to win over the press instead of condemning them and threatening them. Trump had every opportunity to unite his party behind him, but by refusing to compromise, by refusing to even be polite, he ripped it apart instead. Trump had every opportunity to present carefully thought out policies instead of vague slogans. Trump had every opportunity to prepare as hard as Hillary for the debates, but he didn't. Trump had every opportunity to sincerely and deeply apologize for things he said in the past, but he didn't. Trump had every opportunity to stay positive and on message instead of attacking everyone he thinks is criticizing him. But he didn't.

Trump has committed blunder after blunder after blunder and we have seen this with our own eyes and his own campaign has confirmed it. If Trump does end up losing it will be because he threw the election away, not because it was rigged.

We need a president who knows how to win. So far all that Trump has proven is that knows how to whine.


[Take a look at my book "Top 25 Reasons to Dump Trump." If you find it useful in persuading other people to reject Trump please leave a review.

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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Trump an "unprecedented threat" to Freedom of the Press

I have never been really worried about an election before in my life. Back in May I decided this one was different and I started working against Trump. Since then he has grown steadily worse and more dangerous.

Now, in the closing days, he grows ever more menacing. The Committee to Protect Journalists has now named Trump an "unprecedented threat" to freedom of the press.

How is this logic: If Trump is an enemy of freedom of the press than he is an enemy of the Constitution. If Trump is an enemy of the Constitution then he is an enemy of America. If Trump is an enemy of America then he is an enemy of all of us!

25 days left. Just enough time to DUMP TRUMP!


[Take a look at my book "Top 25 Reasons to Dump Trump." If you find it useful in persuading other people to reject Trump please leave a review.

If you want to support "Anything Smart" just click on book links like the one below to buy your books. "Anything Smart" will receive a commission. Thanks!]


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Did Hillary Lie About "Honest Abe" at the 2nd Debate?

So an email was leaked where Hillary said that in negotiations you need both a public and a private position. Her enemies have jumped on this to accuse her of being a liar.

But let's think about this for a minute. Isn't it actually true that without having a public and a private position you can't have a negotiation at all? If you make an offer on a house
don't you have a public and a private position? The amount you are offering and the (different) amount that you are really willing to pay? When you negotiate a salary at a new job don't you have a public and a private position? The amount you are asking for and the different) amount you are willing to settle for?

So when everybody else does this, including Trump, we call it negotiating. When Hillary talks about the need for doing this, we call her a liar?

But at the debate Hillary gave a more detailed explanation for her words. She said when she was giving the speech she had been thinking about the way Abraham Lincoln negotiated for the 13th Amendment.

[Take a look at my book "Top 25 Reasons to Dump Trump." If you find it useful in persuading other people to reject Trump please leave a review.

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And Trump mocked her and called her a liar. And some pundits said that was Trump's BEST line in the debate. And since then I've read two articles that mocked her and called her a liar. Imagine! That dishonest Hillary "admitting" she was a liar in that speech and now trying to cover herself by pretending she had been thinking of Abraham Lincoln!

Well, here is a quote from Hillary's speech: "You just have to sort of figure out how to — getting back to that word, “balance” — how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that’s not just a comment about today. That, I think, has probably been true for all of our history, and if you saw the Spielberg movie, Lincoln, and how he was maneuvering and working to get the 13th Amendment passed...."

Hmm.... So Hillary WAS thinking about Abraham Lincoln when she gave that speech. And when she said that in the debate she was telling the straight and simple truth. And Trump and the others who mocked her and called her a liar were either liars themselves or maybe just suffering from the arrogance of ignorance.

Either way, once again it is Hillary who was right and Trump who was wrong. And that was Trump's BEST line during the debate. If you hear other people mocking Hillary or calling her a liar over this Abraham Lincoln statement, please share this with them.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

USA Today Concludes Trump is Dangerous

I wish I could convey more strongly how unusual this 2016 election is. Every election is filled with arguments and disagreements and exaggerations and lies and claims that the other candidate will ruin America. This is normal. Many people still seem to think we are having an election like that. But we are not.

The 2016 election is NOT normal. Trump is EXTREMELY unqualified to be President and EXTREMELY dangerous to American success and American freedom. Almost always we have two candidates who are both qualified and will both do a reasonably good job of leading America.

In this election we don't have two qualified candidates.

How bad is Trump really?

USA Today has never taken sides in a Presidential election in 34 years. This year they are breaking their policy because they know this year is unusual. Because they know Trump is DANGEROUS!

[Take a look at my book "Top 25 Reasons to Dump Trump." If you find it useful in persuading other people to reject Trump please leave a review.

If you want to support "Anything Smart" just click on book links like the one below to buy your books. "Anything Smart" will receive a commission. Thanks!]

This year USA today is not endorsing a candidate but they are warning us that Trump must be stopped. They say he is erratic and not qualified to be commander-in-chief. They say his business career is blackened by failures and prejudice, he still uses prejudice to motivate voters, he is coarse and speaks recklessly, he hides vital information like his tax records, and he lies and lies and lies and lies!

USA Today is NOT endorsing Hillary but for the first time in 34 years they are taking a stand in an election. They are taking a stand against Trump.

They conclude: "Whatever you do, however, resist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue. By all means vote, just not for Donald Trump. “

So many leaders from all across the political spectrum have warned us against Trump. Set aside your emotions, watch what he does, listen to what he says, and DUMP TRUMP!