Sunday, December 4, 2016

Trump is the Bull in the China Shop

Trump is not sworn in yet and he has already started disrupting world peace. So far as I know we still promise to protect Taiwan if China should attack but, to keep peace with mainland China we officially recognize them as the government of all of China including Taiwan.

Since 1979 the U.S. and Taiwan have been very careful to maintain ONLY unofficial relations with each other to avoid antagonizing China. As part of that "unofficialness" there has not been any publicized phone call between the Presidents of the US and Taiwan in 37 years.

Trump appears to be reversing that long-standing policy by having a phone conversation with the President of Taiwan. If China interprets this as an insult to its sovereignty that could put Taiwan at risk. It could also put US armed forces at risk if they are called upon to protect Taiwan from Chinese aggression.

Certainly we can hope that calm will be restored and nothing terrible will happen but it really would have been better, and smarter, for Trump not to take this call.

I am afraid there will be other incidents like this. I do not see Trump as a careful or subtle person, more like a bull in a china shop.

Found more details on Trump's latest embarrassment in this article:

[Unless something very unusual happens with the electoral college Donald Trump is about to become President. We better learn all we can about him so here is his first book.

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Copyright © 2016 by Joseph Wayne Gadway

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