Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Trump's Biggest Con

Yesterday was an incredible day in political news. There were at least five amazing stories all coming out at the same time!

First, after hinting at various ways he might avoid conflicts of interest in recent weeks Trump suddenly seemed to dismiss all concerns with his business dealings by saying the president CANNOT have a conflict of interest!

Of course, that is ridiculous. It may not be illegal for the president to be involved in business, but that involvement CAN produce actual conflicts of interest and those conflicts CAN actually be harmful to the nation.

As far as we can tell now, Trump is not going to worry about that anymore.

Second, in a bombshell story, it appears the Trump Foundation is admitting, on a federal filing, to self-dealing: giving money from the foundation to someone, perhaps Trump himself though we don't know for sure, who was NOT supposed to get it. This is one of the things "crooked Hillary" was supposedly guilty of and one of the reasons we were told it was so important to keep her out of the White House. There never was any proof that Hillary misused Clinton Foundation funds but now it appears we are getting very strong evidence that the Trump foundation has done exactly that.

Maybe even more amazing, just two weeks after the popular vote, Trump seems to be backing away from some of his most famous campaign promises.

During the campaign he vowed to bring back waterboarding, "and worse." Now, after a chat with General Mattis, he seems to be deciding that the use of torture is not such a good idea after all. I will certainly be happy if the US does not start torturing people again but this was a pretty firm campaign promise Trump seems to be breaking now.

Also, after denying the reality of global warming in past years and calling it "mostly a hoax" during the campaign, Trump has suddenly decided there is "some connectivity" between human action and global warming and he has an "open mind" about adhering to the Paris climate accords which he recently said he would not adhere to. This is another big shift for Trump, from more anti-climate change to more pro-climate change.

[Unless something very unusual happens with the electoral college Donald Trump is about to become President. We better learn all we can about him so here is his first book.

If you want to support "Anything Smart" just click on book links like the one below to buy your books. "Anything Smart" will receive a commission. Thanks!]

But perhaps most dramatic of all, Trump is backing away from his stern and scary campaign promise to put Hillary in jail. Now he seems to think the Clintons have suffered enough. Personally, I am happy to see Trump drop this threat against Hillary but how will his followers feel about it?

Now we all KNEW, or at least any open-minded person who wanted to know, KNEW, that Trump lied often about factual matters during his campaign. This was made clear by EVERY fact checking web site on the internet. What we did not know for sure, until now, is that Trump was also lying about his promises to the American people, specifically about the promises he made to persuade and energize his base.

Naturally, some Trump supporters are angry about these broken promises. The conservative organization Judicial Watch, for example, called his softened stance on Hillary "a betrayal of his promise to the American people."

But it's not just Trump's supporters who should be angry, his opponents should be angry too. With his lies Trump got people to vote for him who might NOT have voted for him had they known the truth. But looking at that from the other direction it is also likely that Trump's lies got people to vote AGAINST him who might have voted FOR him had they only known the truth. Trump bombarded the American people with false information and false promises and by doing that he polluted the decision making process for every single voter in the country - because every single voter in the country had to make decisions in an atmosphere of lies, without knowing the TRUTH.

If you get money by telling people lies that is a crime called fraud. If you get votes, and win an election, by telling people lies that is far worse – that is a betrayal of the entire country, and of the most vital democratic and electoral principles upon which the country was founded.

We can all hope Trump will do good things as president. We should all condemn the way he deprived the American people of the truth that would have enabled them to make an informed decision in the election.

For more on these amazing developments check out these links:

Copyright © 2016 by Joseph Wayne Gadway

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