Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Determined Loyal Opposition

November 9, 2016
A Better World #1: A Determined Loyal Opposition

I worked hard to get Hillary elected. I spent hundreds of hours doing research so I could write blog posts and Facebook posts and send tweets and talk and argue. I even wrote a book, the first of my life, called Top 25 Reasons to Dump Trump. But Hillary didn't get elected. The American people spoke, and they chose Trump.

This morning votes are still being counted but one website shows Trump with 276 electoral votes to 218 for Hillary. The popular vote right now is razor close: 58,689,136 for Trump compared to 58,535,664 for Hillary. That's a lead, for now, of just 153,472 votes.

It's always painful to lose but for those of us who supported Hillary this is no time for depression or tears. This is a time to redouble our efforts to work together for a better country. This is a time to form a DETERMINED LOYAL OPPOSITION.

We have to be LOYAL by supporting anything that is good for America no matter where it comes from. If Trump proposes something that is good for our country we should give him credit and support efforts to get it passed.

We have to be OPPOSITION by watching the new president closely to see if he really tries to do the terrible things he has said he will do. If he does, we have to stop him if we can. If we can't stop him from doing bad things we have to try hard to blunt them - force modifications - to make them less bad than they would have been without our efforts.

And we have to be DETERMINED to understand why more than 58 million Americans voted for Trump and how we have to change our Democratic Party and our Democratic message to get at least several million of those people to come over to us in 2020.

The United States of America is a great country. Now is the time to work harder than ever before to KEEP it great and keep it moving in the right direction.

Let's get to work!

[Take a look at my book "Top 25 Reasons to Dump Trump." I wrote this book to persuade people to dump Trump. Now we can use it to remind us of the terrible things he said he would do if elected. Now we can use it as a checklist of dangers to watch for. If you find it useful please leave a review.

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