Sunday, September 18, 2016

Conservative Peter Wehner Calls Trump the "Repudiation" of Lincoln

Peter Wehner was one of the first conservatives to bravely and intelligently oppose Trump. In the article linked to below he calls Trump the "repudiation" of Lincoln. In a sense Trump is the anti-Lincoln. Lincoln has come to represent everything good in American history, Trump represents everything bad.

Wehner talks about the terrible things liberals say about Republicans and how he always defended the GOP and "Then along came Donald J. Trump, who seemed to embody every awful charge made against the Republican Party."

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Wehner realizes that that there are "repulsive elements" in the Republican Party and those elements grew too strong and are now running free to wreak their damage on America and make millions of good Republicans look bad.

He says, "But it is fair to say that there existed in the Republican Party repulsive elements, people who were attracted to racial and ethnic politics and moved by resentment and intolerance rather than a vision of the good. This group was larger than I ever imagined, and at important moments the Republican Party either overlooked them or played to them. Some may have been hoping to appeal to these elements while also containing and moderating them, to sand off the rough edges, to keep them within the coalition but not allow them to become dominant. But the opposite happened. The party guests took over the party."

My dream is to have a good Republican party and a good Democratic party, both led by moderate and rational human beings who put the good of the country and the good of its citizens in the forefront and argue only about the details of policy, not about whether or not we should remain the COUNTRY of Lincoln.

The first step to making this happen is to DUMP TRUMP!

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